Monday, November 1

Marie's Light Fruitcake

Marie’s Light Fruitcake

3 cups light raisins                                       1 lb butter, softened

2 cups mixed glazed fruit (one tub)             2 cups white sugar

6 slices candied pineapple, chopped           10 eggs

1/3 cup chopped orange peel                      rind of one lemon

1/3 cup chopped lemon peel                       juice of one lemon

1 cup green glazed cherries                        2 tsp almond flavoring

1 cup red glazed cherries                            1 tsp vanilla

1 ½ cups whole blanched almonds             3 cups flour

1 ½ cups pecan halves                                1 tsp salt

1 cup flour                                                  1 tsp baking powder

Prepare 3 loaf pans – line with 2 alternating layers of brown paper and grease.  Mix all fruit and nuts with one cup flour.

Cream butter with sugar.  Add eggs, one at a time.  Stir in flavorings and lemon rind and juice.  Combine flour, salt and baking powder.  Add to creamed mixture, stir well.  Mix in fruit and mix well.  Divide batter between 3 pans.

Bake at 275 F for 2 – 2 ½ hours, or until toothpick comes clean.

Cool in pans.  When cool, remove and brush with brandy.  Wrap in plastic.  Ripen for 2-3 weeks, brushing 3 more times with brandy, and then may be frozen.

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